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Sausage Roll Garland


1 quantity of puff pastry (homemade or shop-bought)

Pack of 8 good quality pork sausages

1 egg, beaten

Chutney/pickle of choice

(at Christmas time, I like to use homemade cranberry sauce)

Sea salt flakes



  1. Preheat the oven to 180C fan.

  2. Roll out the pastry, into a long think rectangle roughly 16 x 8 inches.

  3. Spoon a think layer of chutney/pickle along the centre length of the pastry.

  4. Remove the sausage meat from the skins and lay on top of the chutney/pickle.

  5. Egg wash one side of the pastry and roll up the rectangle, bring both ends together to meet making a circle, squash the pastry together to join.

  6. Transfer the sausage roll onto a baking tray and make cuts equally, but don't cut right through the roll. Once cut twist each section. Egg wash and sprinkle with sea salt flakes.

  7. Bake for 18-20 mins, until the pastry to a golden brown and the meat, is cooked through.


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